Outlast trials ps4 download
Outlast trials ps4 download

outlast trials ps4 download

Being stuck in twisted SAW-esque Game Show almost Amusement Park attraction inspired locations put together in a scientific facility where you're being monitored lends to some great settings. Outlast Trials even early in uses its setting to great effect for wonderfully creative level design.

outlast trials ps4 download

I'll be posting about it more as I've played some today, plan to play more tomorrow, but I actually think this beta is worth playing for anyone curious in it. The beta has actually completely sold me on the game, its very fun with friends, and actually has a lot going on under the hood for a stealth-horror game mechanically, with very good level design so far! I plan to play more of it tomorrow, but wanted to get an OT going to see if anyone else is playing it, or raise awareness if people missed the beta was happening right now. There's basically three things you can do in the beta play a Single Player only "Opening" missing which functions as a tutorial but with a story (set in a creepy mannequin mansion), go through the Lobby (where you see other players in the same server as you, can join parties with randos there or not as can also join parties with friends over Steam), and can do a few minigames and such there, and in the Beta there is one mission you can play either alone or with other players that is set in a Police Station. The game can be played single player, or for 2-4 players in online co-op. Anyone with a Steam account can register for the Beta, you'll be able to download it and be emailed you've gained access when you do.

outlast trials ps4 download

Runs until November 1st (time not given). Go to the Steam page and can request beta access below the screenshots on the store page, will probably get an email shortly confirming you're in the beta.

Outlast trials ps4 download